The Path To Failure

I have another secret to share, come here. Closer… closer… STOP! Right there. Look around. Do you see everything around you? This, my friend, is the path to failure. This is where dreams are broken. This is where it all falls apart. We call it life, sometimes adulthood, but what…

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Finding Your Strengths

All writers are not created equal. Some are gifted at world building, others excel at pacing, some write witty dialog without breaking a sweat (looking at you, Whedon). Whatever your skill, you should identify it and make the most of it? Why? Let’s pretend that your greatest strength is dialog….

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I’m Alive! And writing over at Unbound Worlds…

  You may have noticed that blog posts have been a little thin on the ground lately. That’s because 1) it was spring break last week and I was AFK (away from keyboard) a lot and 2) because I’ve been using my blogging time to write cage matches for Unbound…

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