Life After Twitter

I miss TweetDeck. I’m not even going to pretend I don’t. I spent literal years of my life learning that system, curating my space, and creating a place on the internet that allowed me to get the information I wanted while also reaching my fan base (love you all!). I’m…

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MONDAYS IN PUBLISHING: How To Build A Social Media Following (without going mad)

Before we even tackle HOW to use social media let’s discuss the question really burning in your soul: Do I Need To Use Social Media? Straight Answer: NO. You do need a base of operation on the internet, you need a place where people can find you, but you don’t…

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You vs The Apocalypse

My last house was a pretty little ranch-style home located on the block were Hurricane Central and Tornado Alley share a summer home. We spent more than one night sleeping in the closet because a tornado rolled into town. While I was there dodging strong winds and the occasional flying…

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